In Vadillo de Guareña, and more specifically, at a winery that is over three centuries old, two of the passions of the Fernández Rivera family came together for the first time through Dehesa La Granja. Thus, at one of the most beautiful estates in Zamora, winemaking, agriculture and livestock farming come together to produce cured cheeses, grow chickpeas and extract Extra Virgin olive oil, seeking utmost quality. In this unrivalled setting, as you would expect, wines are produced using tempranillo grapes that are aged for a long time in American oak.
As the cornerstone of the project, there is an underground cave covering 3,000 square metres built in 1750, an unbeatable setting for keeping the secrets of these noble and intense wines.
In 1998, Familia Fernández Rivera revived an underground winery that was three centuries old and integrated it into the landscape, making the vines share a home with a livestock farm with over one thousand three hundred cows. Through its different activities, La Lucera becomes a place that connects agriculture and livestock farming, offering wines that are aged in an unbeatable environment and top quality raw materials such as cured cheese, chickpeas and Extra Virgin olive oil.
Ayuda LEADER 2014-2020. A.D.R.I. Ribera del Duero Burgalesa: Esta entidad en colaboración con la Asociación de Desarrollo Rural e Integral de la Ribera del Duero Burgalesa, ha recibido una ayuda dentro del programa LEADER 2014-2020 cofinanciado por fondos FEADER 80%, La Junta de Castilla y León 14%, y el Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación 6%, de acuerdo a lo expresado en la siguiente imagen.
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